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The Skullspace virtual machine service (vmsrv) is offered to members as a means to share the power of best-available hardware as widely as possible:

"Access to computers—and anything which might teach you something about the way the world works—should be unlimited and total." -- Steven Levy on the hacker ethic

As such, we support two styles of computing:

  • Interactive computing -- temporary bursts of high resource use (IO/CPU/memory) by a single user for the purpose of "getting stuff done", with the ethic of ensuring resources are released (or swapped out!) when not in use.

"Always yield to the Hands-On Imperative!" -- Steven Levy again

  • General service computing -- always up and running services with reasonable IO, CPU, and memory use that doesn't impair the above. (services with intense resource requirements that need to be always on should be operated on dedicated servers)