Hackathon 5

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April 16 will be the fifth SkullSpace Hackathon! Everybody is invited to come hang out, work on projects, see some talks, or just wander around and meet new people! Saturday will feature a few talks/projects that you can participate in, if you choose. The point is to get together, meet new people, and have some fun!

The event is completely free, but we'll be happily accepting donations (and new members). If you can afford $5, $10, $20, or more, you can help support the cause! We take cash, cheque (made out to SkullSpace Winnipeg Inc), and Paypal.

Not only is this free, it's open to anybody who wants to come, with any interests, at any skill level. The most important thing is having an interest in technology and the desire to learn more and meet people. So, everybody is welcome to come out! Bring friends! Bring family!

  • Date: Saturday, April 16, 2011 (corresponding with the Global Hackerspace Challenge)
  • Time: 12:00 (noon) - 20:00 (8pm)
  • Location: LES.net - 130 Portage Avenue East at the old Nutty Club building (big red door by the #130, use the doorbell, listen for the click)


I don't think having set "projects" worked last time (considering not a single person did it), so we're going to skip that.


We're hosting a few talks/walkshops during the day. These will be short and informal. We're focusing on embedded development this month. If you're interested in speaking at the hackathon, please let me know (info @ skullspace.ca) as early as possible and we'll add you to the list!

In the March hackathon, we had set times for talks. I don't think that worked well, so I'm going to try leaving it fluid this time.

Who What Details
Ron Bowes/Jay Smith Welcome to SkullSpace An update on what SkullSpace is up to, what we're doing, who we are, etc.
Kyle Geske Etching The chemical etching of metal for artists and hackers. (Printmaking & Circuit Boards)
Andrew Orr Launchpad TBA
Michael Loney Arduino basics I2C two wire communications
Jeff Coleman Hacking politics TBA

Talks for next hackathon (or that will be given if a speaker can't make it):

  • Russ - GIS (Mapping) - Help with any mapping related questions.
  • Ron - BreachDB
  • Lockpicking

What we need

If you have any of this, or can borrow it, please let us know! admin @ skullspace.ca

Some things, like food, we may have to get everybody to kick in some money unless we find somebody who's willing to sponsor.

Item Status
Projector/screen Mike?
Networking gear Provided by LES.net, Paul, Ron
Food Needed
Snacks Ron will bring snacks - somebody else should too
Drinks/coffee Needed
Tables/chairs Mike with a hat
Photography gear Mike, Ron, Brian, Jay, and others have camera gear
Powerbars Ron + Mak

Donations and new members

Part of our goal is to raise donations for getting our own physical space. Anybody who wants to bring a cash or cheque is welcome to! We'll record how much you donated and add it to our startup cash.

The other part of our goal is to get the word out to more people. Bring friends, co-workers, and anybody who might be interested. They don't have to come all day, just long enough to get some free stickers!

After party

We're heading to the King's Head pub (on King & Bannatyne) afterwards, around 21:00 (9pm), to unwind. Please join us, even if you can't make it to the hackathon!