Roomba Breeding Project

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Revision as of 14:43, 2 February 2012 by Ron (talk | contribs)
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Siu needs help making the Roombas and Scooba at the space happy. Sad Roomba/Scoobas do not frolic, and refuse to breed!

The gray (1st generation) Roomba worked once at the space and gave up. My best guess is that it picked up something it shouldn't which is jamming it. (It picked up one two inch screw, which has been removed, but who knows what else is in it?)

The red (2nd generation) Roomba was bought as is. It's amazingly dirty, and just sort of snickers at me.

The blue Scooba just arrived and hasn't been tested.

If anyone wants to help get them working, you're welcome to join in. All I ask is that if you take it apart, you put it back together (whether it works or not), so that no pieces get lost.

You can post questions / status etc. here, so this can be a team project! :)

Roomba Cleaning Robots

If we could modify a roomba to clean other roombas - like a "den mother" - then we wouldn't have to worry about them getting jammed. This would take some extremely selective breeding, however.

Roomba Quadrcopter

Another suggested solution is to create an army of roomba quadcopters. When they get jammed, they can fly out a window to somebody's house to get cleaned. Of course, this would require GPS transponders for navigation, and extended battery cells. I figure we can breed in those traits within 2 dozen generations.