Bannatyne location

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This page is about the potential location on Bannatyne Avenue that's potentially owned by Seccuris.


  • Owned by active people in the security community who support our ideals
  • Direct outdoor access that we can control.
  • Possibility of indoor elevator based keycard access.
  • Working bathrooms (mens and woman's!)
  • Electricity and water will likely not be included in the rent, but heat and cooling are
  • Bare floor/walls (I assume, anyway, there was a lot of junk in the way)
  • Free barrel
  • Great price
  • Potential for either expansion in the future, or access to a shared lab run by Seccuris (at their discretion)
  • A bar and piano (!)
  • A definite fixer upper - as is, we'll definitely have to haul out garbage, but not much else in the short term. Lots of potential in the long term, though!
  • Access to certain Seccuris resources (legal advice, etc) - again, at their discretion
  • A bathroom that might be featured in Doom
  • Comes with piles of free junk (haul it away and it's yours!)
    • piano
    • barrel
    • art
    • model ships (that's right)
    • signs for old establishment
    • various tools (ladders, etc)
    • weight lifting equipment
    • old computers (I'm *sure* the harddrives are wiped)
    • floppy disks (I'm sure they don't have customer records)
    • keys.. hundreds of keys
    • old furniture (chairs, tables, etc)
    • etc etc etc

Status: Mike's going to draft up a leasing agreement for us, and we'll discuss this in more detail on Tuesday, January 18 (6pm @ the Lo Pub).

Other things:

  • The outdoor entrance is *right* next to the entrance to the republic [1]
    • This means getting in/out may be troublesome later at night when the republic is hipping and hopping
    • Possible noise issues? Doubtful, but maybe
    • Someone was shot right there the other night [2]
  • No windows