Library partnership

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Collaboration between Skullspace and the Winnipeg Public Library to bring programming to youth.

See also (hope that's a permanent link...)

Don't mean to duplicate the Trello board, but find it hard to understand the structure of content in there so I thought I'd stick it here.

What defines a good project

  • good chance of success
  • a physical thing for kids to take home
  • affordable
    • does the library have a budget to help, or a limit in what participants would pay for parts?
  • skills and tools are accessible
    • is soldering an option, eg irons available and considered safe enough?
  • are we looking at single-session events or series
  • how long could an event be where kids can still take in the information and yet have enough time to finish a project?
  • do we have anyone in our membership with experience on age-ranking projects?
  • what is a reasonable group size, or supervision-to-participant ratio?

Project options

conductive dough

someone mentioned conductive dough; I am not sure how that would be used, can someone fill in details?

steam punk and other bling

projects to make jewellery or costumes out of circuit boards etc.

Question: does the library have restrictions about projects involving guns?

functional geeky projects

  • someone on Trello mentioned spy gear, this could include simple things like a periscope or a string-and-can phone, likely more.

kit based electronics projects

Could order several or one kit and help/supervise assembly; kids would take home finished product and information on how to get more. Maybe adafruit would discount for this?


  • surely library and we support the idea of less TV
  • 22 parts, sounds like a feasible project for kids to hold still for
  • teaches soldering and basic circuit board assembly
  • pre-made batch for finishers ( although could make vinyl stickers for less commercial projects


  • soldering, ooohhh hot metal rods too dangerous for kids?
  • cost for kits

External Communication Log

reverse chronological order, newest on top.

Probably missing some, please fill in if you have more...

June 3rd, 2014 - 18:00 @ 200-374 Donald

Library partnership update (Jay): Partnership with the library is progressing. They would like us to work on programming that can be delivered to youth. This is an important outreach opportunity. If anyone is interested in participating, please contact Jay. Jay will be meeting with library on Friday to review potential project options.

SkullSpace Member Meeting 2014/05/27

Jay will be reaching out to members to help develop programming we can deliver at the library. This will put us in front of a large audience. See the Trello board, or contact Jay for information.