Talk:Strikeforce:Meme Dinner
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Possible Menu
Dips & Sauces
This is more of an entree -N It was included in this category in Cook All the Things. I suggest changing it. AMichael
Appetizers & Sides
Cornified Tamal (Nate)
Diabeets (Diabeetus)
Eat Britney Skewers Alone (Or With Friends) (NOTE: This really needs to be served right after grilling. Not sure how well it will reheat -N)
Salad Fingers made with Like a Balsamic Vinegarette
Soup, Stew, and Chili
Over 9000 Alarm chili (It's Over 9000)
I'm twelve and what is this soup (Nate)
Roasted Cauliflower & Wiki-Leek Soup
Breads and Sandwiches
Sandvich $3.00
Can haz cheezburger (LOLCats)
Draw Me like one of your French Fries (Draw Me Like One Of Your French Girls)
Main Course
I whip my Angel Hair back and forth with Creepypasta sauce
Five-minute fffffffuuuuuuuuuuuudge
Chunky Norris Peanut Brittle (Chuck Norris)
Don't Copy that Toffee (Don't Copy That Floppy)
Stolen Sweet Roll (Stolen Sweet Roll)
Nyan Bread (Nyan Cat)